Wednesday, October 29, 1997

The Happiest Fart

You know, it's a little disconcerting that my days don't seem to end until around 6:30 or 7 in the morning now. Yeah, just in case you see the date I sent this and think I'm late, you're wrong. It's actually still Wednesday to me. Don't argue with me. I'm right and I'm too tired to learn you the ways of time as it applies to the college student right now. And damnit, this clock change is messing with me because now the sun is always coming up as I try to fall asleep. Sometimes I think I accidentally set mine back too many hours.
Great news everybody. Fathead is in the finals!! We upset T-Shirts Please today to grant us a chance for the championship. You know it's a good day when I say "Good job Russ" more than once. We had 5 interceptions, 3 returned for touchdowns, and one of them by Russ! Of all people, that uncoordinated bastard picked one off and ran it back. It was great. Our offense hardly ever got to play, but that's what happens when they drive all the way down to our ten yard line and then threw an interception that goes all the way back for a touchdown. They get the ball right back again, and they waste a hell of a lot of time. We had more interceptions today than offensive completions. I'd like to say we had a great game, but they did most of the work. Well, they can plead all they want, but they ain't getting no t-shirts this year.

Well, I needn't tell you guys that the drive back here from VA Tech can take a while. Anyway, right before we left, we were walking back toward the van, and I stepped in a pile of dog stuff. Everybody knows how much that sucks. Well, anyway, I wiped it all off, and got in the van with everybody. Shortly after we left, Dan asked me if I was sure I got all the dog stuff off my shoe because there was a distinct bad odor. To comfort him, I admitted that I had just released gas. This put Dan at ease because now he knew that the odor would pass and he wouldn't have to live with it all the way home...

Quote Of the Day 10/29

"That's the happiest a fart has ever made me."
Middle Linebacker Dan

Well, next time you need one, just ask.

Love, interceptions, and a clay imp,

Still Standing Right Here...

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