Monday, February 8, 1999

What I've Been Up To

OK. So I'm a little behind. Well, apparently on my PC, my AOL is on the DL, and until I get that CP from the UPS (which is currently MIA), I'm SOL. So here I am at school tired as shit doing this quote thing for the benefit of all you faithful fans who haven't quite gotten sick of it yet. So when I'm cranky tomorrow and throw some cole slaw at a disagreeable customer and they fire me, I'm going to blame every single last one of you who thought that this quote was funny, got it!?!?!

Well, since I've been gone so long, I've been a little busy. Just because I'm sure I'll forget later, here's what I've been up to since January 26th, the last time I sent out a quote of the day:

I woke up.
I went to my job.
I went to my other job.
I went home and slept.
(From now on, those four events should be implied.)
I quit my job (Bennigans).
I made a web page ().
I didn't wreck my car.
I woke up.
I went to my job.
I started to go to my other job.
I fell asleep in my car (at a red light) on the way there.
I awoke to the sound of beeping and cars passing me on either side (and the car in front of me was now 100 feet in front of me).
I unquit my job (but I'm cutting my availability down to twice a week).
I found a new favorite porn site.
I didn't get a ticket recently.
I stopped stalking the women's volleyball team.
I started stalking the men's basketball team.
I almost got fired.
I went home and slept.

I may have skipped over some stuff, but that's about the gist of it. Some of you guys out there saw me in the past few weeks. Let me know if I forgot something important, like getting engaged or breaking a limb or something.

Well, everybody, I'll warn you ahead of time. This one is about basketball. Please get it, because I thought it was hilarious when it was said and then I told it to somebody who doesn't check the NBA's website everyday at work when they have nothing else to do, like me. Well, my not-so-well endowed associate, Jeff, is teaching a Basketball class this semester. That's the premise. Well, the day Stryker found this out...

Quote Of the Day 2/8/99

"So you're teaching a basketball class this year, eh? What are you gonna do? Go on strike for the first two thirds of your class?"
-Strike Force One

Yeah, then he's gonna trade everybody to another class.

Score one more for college hoops,
Spare Force 1/2.

Still Standing Right Here...(I'm back!)

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