Tuesday, August 25, 1998

How We Do Scattergories

Well, if you tried to send anything to my AOL account since yesterday, you probably noticed that it isn't working. Apparently they don't like it when you don't pay them. Or something like that. At any rate, they're bastards.
Well, I started my new job at the Rec department and if anybody ever needs a windbreaker, I have about seventeen. However, somewhere in all the intramural packets and the recreation schedules, you'll probably be able to piece together the fingerprints that have since disappeared from my fingers. I suppose I should take this rare opportunity to rob a bank. Anybody got some pantyhose and C-22? I'd even settle for a garter belt and a sparkler.

OK. I'm dead tired and I no longer have the luxury of doing e-mail at home so I have to do to after work when I can no longer see straight. Hell, I can't even think of anything funny anybody said. Ever. Lemme see. Tony and Mike were in the same room for a few hours. Somebody probably said something funny then, I'm sure. We were even playing Scattergories. Except instead of going with their categories like "things that are black" and "a boy's name," we decided to make up our own categories like "excuses to get out of a date" and "dumb animals with a sufficient explanation." And instead of using the two minute timer, we set a clock for about 6 minutes or so. Well, I remember "L" as being a pretty funny letter. OK. I got one. One of the categories was "crappy jobs" and I thought my "Lake Salesman" was pretty good, but I think Tony had an even worse job. Or at least a more pointless one...

Quote Of the Day 8/25/98

"Lithuanian Ambassador To Madagascar"

Yeah, well I'll bet HE can't sell a lake.

Nobody's favorite misunderstood hero,
Mr. Cantaloupe.

Still Standing Right Here...

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