Thursday, February 5, 1998

Pants Again

Well, I wore pants for the second day in a row today, eclipsing my old record of one. And I would like to thank all of you who saw me today and repressed the urge to say "You're wearing pants!" I actually got a plethora of witty responses from the group of people who I send this list out to. Everybody else said stuff like "You're wearing pants!... Again!" Thanks for your continued support, and once the weather goes back up to 40 degrees again, you can all start in with the "Geez, put some pants on," and "God, aren't you cold?"
Over break, I was suffering so much Mario Kart withdrawal, Joe, Mike and I actually went out and rented an N64 and a Mario Kart game from Blockbuster and played it for about 48 hours straight. At the end of the weekend, I had no fingerprint on my thumb, and I couldn't bend it almost at all. I had a bad case of Nintendinitis (Khanover's joke). Anyway, during the game, I asked Joe, who was Donkey Kong at the time, why his name was Donkey Kong when he was a monkey. The next thing I know, the game stopped. Joe was so baffled by my thought, he had to pause the game to think about it.

Well, this quote of the day comes from the many comments that I got as I was walking around today. ACDurgin had a good one about how he figured it was because I didn't shave today, but that's not the best (sorry). Actually, this one came when I was wearing shorts on my way to volleyball class. I passed Tracy on her way back to the dorm and she saw my outfit and...

Quote Of the Day 2/5

"I see you went back to being stupid again."

Even a functional clock is wrong twice a day.

Curator of the quotes,

Still Standing Right Here...

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