Sunday, February 8, 1998

My Uncle's Saab

OK, before I start, I have a question to ask of you guys that I would like you to answer to me, be it in person, over the computer, on the phone, by carrier pigeon, whatever... Let's pretend that you went out and did something like, oh, let's say... played volleyball one night, and you woke up the following morning, or just got up from the computer the following morning, and your knee was numb. Like you couldn't feel it and it would tingle like pins and needles when you would touch it. OK, you take notice of this and figure "Well, it will go away soon." How long do you wait before you start to worry? And then before you start to panic? And how much more time before you break down and run screaming to you physical therapist ex-girlfriend? Well, my answer to the first one is about 4 hours. I'm slowly approaching the answer to the second one, also. Well, I'll keep you posted with updates.

Alright, this is a blast from the past. I just checked my old records and I can't believe I never sent this out as a quote of the day last year. I had an internship last year and there was about a span of three weeks when I didn't have a car, and so I needed Andrew to wake up and drive me there at 7 in the morning every Tuesday and back again around 5 or something. Well, we were driving back home after a long ass day and we passed a Saab. I started telling him that the ignition to a Saab is down between the driver's side and passenger's side of the seats. I then began to tell him that I knew this because we have a Saab. Well, we don't really have one, but my uncle from Maine, who isn't technically my uncle, went to Spain indefinitely, and... (he cut me off)

Quote Of the Day 2/7&8

"Wait, wait, wait. Is this another Saab story?"
-The slightly smarter half of Dumb and Uglier

I don't think I ever finished my story.

Sending you all quote-a-grams,

Still Standing Right Here...

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