Tuesday, October 10, 1995

Quote Of the Day 10/10/1995

O.K. guys, you got me. For those of you who don't know, I broke the cardinal rule of joke-telling, the one thing I preach over and over to all my pupils in yesterday's message. I was tempted to send out a disclaimer with it but I knew some people would catch me. The rule is "If at the end of a joke, you have to say 'Well, I guess you had to be there,' then you shouldn't have told the joke in the first place." Mike and Leigh were more than happy to point that out, and Mike, I was just trying to keep you on your toes. And yes, those are the 4 C's of humor. Write it down on your calendar guys. Yesterday was the first day in I don't know how long I was asleep before midnight. Yep, I slept through the turning of the day for definitely the first time this year. Don't worry. I won't make it a habit.
And we've got our SEMI-FINAL VOLLEYBALL GAME TOMORROW!!!!! Both my men's team and coed team play our semi-final game tomorrow. If we win, we'll probably play sometime Friday for the championship. If we lose, don't expect a happy Dustin to send you a nice quote of the day tomorrow. So if you are interested, our men's team plays at 1:00 in the Fieldhouse and our coed team plays at 3:00. Both should be good games, and again, we could use your support, even if it's just a warm vibe you send to me at around 1:10. Thanks.

Now for the actual quote. This one again came over a game of cards on a late Third South night. She says she wants to remain nice and innocent, but here she is for a second time with the...

Quote Of the Day 10/10

"Well, that's the way they bend when I... nevermind. You try doing it with one hand."
-Misti (Bubbles, Schnookeylumps)

Catch you later E-mail dudes,
Bill & Ted.
I mean Dustin.

Still Standing Right Here...

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