Tuesday, January 26, 1999

The Rules of Spamming and Rugby

Well, before things here get out of hand, let me for the first time officially tell of the "spamming" rules that accompany my e-mail list. I don't mind replies to everybody provided they are funny. Now, there are several problems with this rule. Actually, there's just one. Everybody thinks they are funny. But only about 25% of them are right. Unless you are in that elite 25%, then I don't really approve of any message you have to send to my peeps. And there's no real way to know whether or not you are part of that 25%. Normally, I could say that you could ask me, but odds are, that if you're on my mailing list, you're also my friend. And I could never tell a friend that they just aren't funny. That's one of the most horrible things a person can find out. It's like telling somebody they're just not interesting. I'd rather be told by a date that I was the ugliest guy she's ever seen than have her tell me I'm not interesting. I've already accepted the fact that I have a less than average size penis. That was hard enough (no pun intended). Being told that I'm not funny by a respected comedian would crush me. So, basically what I'm saying is be REALLY sure it's funny first before you send it out to everybody or you could be blacklisted by the entire mailing list (and I'm sure nobody on here knows everybody else on the list. Hell, I don't even know some of the addresses anymore). Maybe get a second opinion or something before sending it out. Send it to me first and I'll proofread it, maybe touch it up a bit here and there, and then send the approved copy back to you with a Cricket Stamp Of Approval. And if it's not funny, this is probably the wrong mailing list to forward it to. No girl is going to be able to afford leukemia treatment just because you forwarded her e-mail to a bunch of people. You aren't getting laid and Disney ain't sending you $5,000 either. Sorry to burst your bubble guys.

Having said that, I give you the excerpt from a friend's e-mail. This girl just joined the rugby team at American University. Now this girl is so small, she gets carded trying to go see PG-13 movies and ordering an item not on the kiddie menu at Friendly's. And she's playing rugby, not necessarily a sport known for its smaller, more graceful athletes. Anyway, she was describing the ball as something between a football and a basketball. She then went on to describe the sport...

Quote Of the Day 1/26/99

"...and the game itself is kind of a cross between soccer, football, and those ancient Greek games where they used to just throw people out into an arena and watch them fight to the death."
-Carrie "Five foot nothing if she's lucky" Clemmer

The strategies are kind of a cross between Kill the Carrier, Mud Wrestling, and just randomly punting the ball whenever you feel like it.

Protector of the quotes,
The Quorax.

Still Standing Right Here...

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