Thursday, November 13, 1997

The Adrenzlization of William Tell

Have any of you guys out there been so screwed, you can't express in English words the amount of crap you need to do in the next couple of days? Well, I have reached that point. I am so screwed for the next couple days, I feel like anything I say to anyone will not do justice to the amount of work that needs to be done. None of you (no offense intended) would be able to comprehend merely by me telling you guys, just how far up shit's creek I am. So if you ask me how I'm doing and I just laugh and say nevermind, that's why. Or if you start to talk about how busy you'll be this week and I just laugh to myself and start to cry uncontrollably, you have been warned. I'll tell you all once I get through this week what it is that I did, but it's too depressing to think about how much I have to do instead of just doing it. So please, nobody ask me to play Mario Kart in the next three days, or I'll be likely to say yes and then I'll fail all my classes, lose my job, and get kicked off campus next semester, and I WILL blame you!

Well, I finally went home last Wednesday for the first time in over 3 months. We have a dog now. And a sister too. The dog's name is Romeo. I recognized the sister from a few years ago, before she moved out. She still answers to the name Charmaine. She can roll over now. It's pretty impressive. Who says you can't teach an old sister new tricks? Anyway, I got a ride home with Kevin and Mike, two of my closest friends from back home. A two hour trip with the three of us is like a virtual quote-of-the-day-on-wheels. Well, we were  listening to one of my many mix tapes with the William Tell Overture on it (it's the one that goes "Da-da-dump, da-da-dump, da-da-dump-dump-dump. Da-da-dump, da-da-dump, da-da-dump-dump-dump. Da-da-dump, da-da-dump, da-da-dump-dump-dump. Da-da-dummmmmmmmmmmm, da-da-dump-dump-dump..."), and I was remarking on how cool it was that a classical song could get me so pumped up. I believe the actual words I used were:

Quote Of the Day 11/13

Me: "Wow. I've never had a flute get me that adrenalized before."
Kevin: "Well, you're probably using it wrong."

I don't even want to know how to use it if it doesn't involve blowing into the end with the whole in it. Of course, that would explain why I saw a piccolo in Russ' room.

Crying on the outside, crying on the inside,
Screaming Cricket.

Still Standing Right Here...

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