Thursday, March 14, 1996


Alright, I'm getting a jump on this one too because I have a lot of shit to do before Friday. But first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARKY MARK!!! Well, we all did the cake thing yesterday and everybody who could have been there was, but I thought I'd wish him a hearty internet happy birthday anyway. Even though he hasn't checked his E-mail since the Reagan administration.
Well, to clear up a little confusion for everyone, I thought I'd tell you all now that I do the quote every weekday. That's why I don't have quotes from the 9th or 10th. So it's not really the "when he gets around to it list" Yelnick claims it is. But don't expect them on the weekends. Or all next week, now that I'm on the topic. Because that's when I finally get my Spring Break. Most of you will all be on Spring Break with me (well, not with me, but at the same time), so you won't miss anything. But the few of you that go to a different school and already had your Spring Break, sorry. I hope you all can survive.
STOMP!! is two weeks from today!!! I can't wait. I've been banging on anything and everything I can get my hands on them since I saw them last. Of course, most of you know this already and are quite annoyed. But I'm excited and you all get your break from me in a few days (except Joe and Amanda), so bear it out for that long if you can. Well, this quote comes from the birthday boy in a kind of roommate quote of the day. SuperDave had it yesterday, so I thought I'd give his roommate a chance to show off his wit. Besides, it's his birthday.

Quote Of the Day 3/14

"I have a photographic memory, but the film's been developed by SuperDave."
-The guy who can now buy us beer

The thimble of therenity,

Still Standing Right Here...

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