Saturday, November 11, 1995

Quote Of the Day 11/11/1995

First of all, Dave, that was hilarious! I never laughed so hard at a message before. You're right, I do have an unfair advantage being the guy who writes the quote of the day. I can censor out the stupid things that I say and instead just embarrass you guys. Well, I guess SuperDave, or whatever his user name is today, is just trying to see that I'm just as vulnerable as the rest of the gang. Darn! Foiled again!!! Well, our co-ed football team played ZBT the other day. At the end of a very uneventful game, we went away tied 0-0. But on a more humorous note, we had a mens football game today. We played the same team that knocked us out of the playoffs in volleyball, so I had some revenge to hand out. Our 40-6 loss hardly avenged me. But we had fun. And that's what really counts. Or at least that's what I'll try and convince myself.

This quote was one of the funniest I've heard in a long while. This quote also occurred during Dave, Bijou, and my Thursday night club 'till breakfast Magic game. I refuse to give any more context because it's much more funny without it. Here you guys go...

Quote Of the Day 11/11

"All the time I had my penis, I did not know I could do that."

I swear we were just playing Magic.

Spitting Ju-ju bees at the movie screen,

Still Standing Right Here...

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