Sunday, April 23, 1995

Quote Of the Day 4/23/1995

Well, the semester is dwindling down, and it's about that time where I start panicking and think I'm going to fail all my classes. But don't worry, that feeling will eventually pass, and I'll soon realize it's only Calculus I'm going to fail... again. Well, me and Leonard will be in it for a third time together. It's become like a bonding experience. Every semester, I take a Psychology class with John and Pat, and Calculus III with Leonard. At any rate guys, I've got to get back to Organizational Motivation. We're about halfway done our paper and it's already 18 pages. Well, you don't read this to here me jabber on about myself. You could get that by just sticking your head in my door anytime. That reminds me, is there anyone out there who doesn't know our air conditioner is broken? Because I don't feel like I've complained about it enough. And Jennnnn, it's nice to have you back, but if you could find a friend's room to stay in for a while, let me know. But here we go, before I get too off track:

Quote Of the Day 4/23

(Whining)"Mommy, they stuck it in me twice!"
-Cheryle (Cutey) Smith

The quiet before the storm,

Getting Back Up Slowly...

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