Wednesday, April 29, 1998

Accidentally De Niro and The Sourest Taboo

Hey guys. The coolest thing happened the other day. There's this group of about three or more people from the men's varsity soccer team that yell out of their window in Potomac every time they see me something like "Hey you pink-hatted faggot!" They're still pissed that I caught them drinking alcohol back in early September. Anyway, they're jerks and the only time I really hear from them is through an open window. Well, last Thursday, I was walking back from the Fieldhouse to my dorm and just as I passed a grouping of trees, I heard from a distance the words "Nice hat jerky!" or something like that. I looked down toward them, who happened to be walking toward me, and I stared for a while because I couldn't tell who it was. Well, I thought I recognized one of them as Evil Joe. So I jokingly said back to him "Are you talking to ME?" They said "What?", so again I said louder and more like De Niro "Are YOU talking to ME?" They began to stumble over their words and said "No, it was some other guy back there" pointing behind them and trying to be funny. It was then that I noticed that it was those three jerk-offs that always harass me on the way into Potomac. So, seeing this, I said "I didn't think so" and continued on my way. It was great. I stood up to those fuckers and they backed down. I mean it was an accident and everything, but it's still cool. So if you see Ryan Cuomo around campus, go up to him, mock him, and give him one hard, swift kick in the nuts for me.

The game of Taboo can be very fun, but also, very personal. Back in the beginning of the school year, there was a night where a bunch of us all started playing Taboo. I didn't know Russ or Aaron very well, and I was on their team. A lot of things went over my head, like when Russ would say "You have a clay one above the faucet on your sink in the powder room upstairs next to a statue of Elvis and the cantaloupe" I would really have no idea what to say. Well, it was Russ' turn again, and he started going and looking right at Aaron...

Quote Of the Day 4/29/98

Russ (to Aaron): "You're one! And I'm one!"
Me (to Russ): "Am I one?"
Russ (to me): "I don't know! Maybe!"

The word was "virgin." And man, did Aaron beat the snot out of Russ after the game.

The sourest taboo,
Spud. (pronounced spuh-day)

Still Standing Right Here...

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