Sunday, March 1, 1998

You Just Don't Understand

From now on, I declare it legal to smack any person in the head who starts an argument with the phrase "No. You just don't understand..." or some derivative of that. That's the equivalent of saying "Hey, you're dumb. And you don't deserve for me to waste my time trying to explain this little bit of silly information with you." So anyway, if somebody does this to you, feel free to hit them square in the nose. And when they ask why you did it, you simply reply "Oh, you wouldn't understand anyway." That'll piss them off.
Hey guys, you'll be so proud of me. From 4:00 Friday night after we got back from the Wedding Singer, until 4:00 Saturday night when I had to work the desk, I got a total of 21 hours sleep. This is literally a new record for me. It beats that time a few years back when I had the Stryker Death Virus, and I guess I can't prove it, but I doubted I could even sleep that much when I was 1. Or for that matter, when I was none. Since birth, I have yet to have slept for 21 hours in any 24 hour time period until yesterday. And ironically, I'm exhausted. Go figure. That's the last time I'm sleeping, I'll tell you that!

I was sitting in the room listening to Suzanne argue with her mother, who can be irrational at times, to say the least. Well, she gets off the phone and starts complaining about her mother's attitude toward her. Well, I'm too tired to think of anything else, so here's what she said to us afterward...

Quote Of the Day 2/28&3/1

"When I argue with her, she calls me a mouthy rebellious child. Actually mom, I'm just smarter than you."
-Bungle Nut

P.S.- Nobody show this to her EVER! Got it? Please. Thanks.

No time to watch X-Files,
Studying Cricket.

Still Standing Right Here...

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