Tuesday, December 5, 1995

Quote Of the Day 12/5/1995

I cleverly avoided having to go to Orgo Lab today. It was a pretty ingenious plan, actually. You see, last week was our last lab. Anyway, on to the task at hand.....While cleverly avoiding lab, I came back to the dorm, and who was waiting for me when I reached 3rd South? Why it was everybody's favorite Kadybug!!!! Here's her brilliant observation:

Kady's quote: 12-5

" It got too limp, so I pulled it out."

Well, there you have it, classical Kadybug humor.....Have fun, guys and good luck with your exams.

With the love of ages,

P.S. No, Dustin, I'm not trying to step on your toes....by the way, that last one (12-4) was really good.
" .....And I know that in the morning, I will wake up in the shivering cold.
And the spiderman is always hungry ...... "

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