Tuesday, December 12, 1995

Quote Of the Day 12/12/1995

Sorry I haven't been faithful to the quote of the day this past week, but I've had mucho work to do, as do I this weekend. But the good news is that I'll be able to sleep sometime in the late next week. Maybe. I've had to cut down on certain things I can do, and though the quote of the day is a cute little escape for all of you everyday, it isn't as high priority on my list as say, Calculus. Sorry. Which reminds me. I already admitted academic defeat, but I've now committed academic suicide. For those of you who don't know, I missed a Calculus exam because I didn't know we had one. Oops. I spoke to the teacher, and he said since I had outstanding test and quiz grades, that I didn't have to take the exam. As a matter of fact, I don't even have to take the final. And he's already given me an A in Differential Equations next year. Well, maybe things didn't go that well, but I'm off the hook. But now to the matter at hand. I'm just sending out a whole bunch of things I heard in the last few days. You guys can pick your favorite. And now for the...

Quotes Of Random Days

"There are very few people as cool as me."
-My father (and he's right)

"Why is it that as students stay here longer, their GPA goes progressively down? This would lead one to believe that the more we teach them, the stupider they get."
-Roye Templeton (Philosophy teacher)

"When Lisa can drag her fat ass up three flights of stairs just to tell me to stop playing cards, then I'll tell her to go fuck herself because no one else will." (or something like that)
-Doug Howard (a sentiment shared by many of us, I'm sure)

Well, I've got to go attend to my cuts now. If anyone has some Neosporin, let me know. I set a new personal record for the amount of bloodshed and lost skin in a flag football game.

Soaking in a tub of ice,

Still Standing Right Here...

Tuesday, December 5, 1995

Quote Of the Day 12/5/1995

I cleverly avoided having to go to Orgo Lab today. It was a pretty ingenious plan, actually. You see, last week was our last lab. Anyway, on to the task at hand.....While cleverly avoiding lab, I came back to the dorm, and who was waiting for me when I reached 3rd South? Why it was everybody's favorite Kadybug!!!! Here's her brilliant observation:

Kady's quote: 12-5

" It got too limp, so I pulled it out."

Well, there you have it, classical Kadybug humor.....Have fun, guys and good luck with your exams.

With the love of ages,

P.S. No, Dustin, I'm not trying to step on your toes....by the way, that last one (12-4) was really good.
" .....And I know that in the morning, I will wake up in the shivering cold.
And the spiderman is always hungry ...... "

Monday, December 4, 1995

Quote Of the Day 12/4/1995

It's a special day in the quote of the day circuit. If anyone else out there is counting, this is the 100th QUOTE OF THE DAY!!!!! I'm not going to throw a party or celebrate or anything, but something needed to be said. O.K. If anyone is interested, the Fine Fellas are playing ZBT in football at 3:30 today at the library field. Our goal is to get 7 people and to score once. And that should be pretty difficult. But it'll be a fun game. And if you're around on Thursday at 3:30, the Good Guys coed team plays ZBT. This one will be a very close game. Both our records are 2-1-1 and the tie is against each other. It could go either way and your support would be appreciated. But now for the quote. This one happened while Greg and I were riding in his car. An ad for Sprint or AT&T or some company for the future came on and there was actually a line in the ad that said...

Quote Of the Day 12/4

"Just look at the palm of your hand and imagine the possibilities."
-Some dude.

Thank God lent is over,

Still Standing Right Here...

Friday, December 1, 1995

Quote Of the Day 12/1/1995

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, "Kadybug" Springle wrote:

> I swear... he just said, "I could use it, I'm kinda dry".
> Just though I'd share with all of you the common experience of Dustin
> sticking his foot in his mouth (not that I have room to talk)
> Katey


I warned Kate that it wouldn't be funny. That she'd have to say "you had to be there." But did she listen? NnnnoooOOOooo! Anyway, it's December finally. Which in Maryland, apparently means that temperatures will rise into the upper 60s with a beautiful breeze reminding everyone of early Spring. It also means that Christmas is soon approaching and with the coming of Christmas, also comes the stress of finals. Everybody is too busy worrying about their future to be able to get into the Christmas spirit. It is quite an unfortunate principal of college. They should really try to schedule around such holidays. But I refuse to let it bog me down. I will be in the Christmas spirit because I have admitted defeat. The future holds no fame and fortune for me and academics have never been my thing. So I'll be riding around on my invisible sled playing pink-hatted Santa Claus to everyone. Another unfortunate principal is that all college students are broke. So you will all be getting machey in your stocking from me. Hug somebody for Christmas. They're cheap and very seldomly (though it does happen) refused. But stop at the hug or you may be getting a pretty little summons under your tree. All right, I've wasted enough of your precious E-mail time and my delirious awakeness is wearing off, so here's that red-headed twin (the other one) with the quote of the day...

Quote Of the Day 12/1

"If you don't wash them, they'll stick together."
-Michelle (my bell), what you gonna do?
(Sorry, I lost myself)

Riding my pink-hatted reindeer,

Still Standing Right Here...